September 2014

Foundations 5B – The Covenant of Salvation (B)

Message 5 – The Covenant of Salvation (B) Foundation Passages: 1 Corinthians 3:9-11 The Apostles Doctrine included the revelation of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith in Jesus releases the power Redemption through the Covenant of Salvation. The Covenant of Salvation is the Redemption of our lives by our faith in the blood […]

Foundations 5A – The Covenant of Salvation

Message 5 – The Covenant of Salvation Foundation Passages: 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, The Apostles Doctrine included the revelation of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith in Jesus releases the power Redemption through the Covenant of Salvation. The Covenant of Salvation is the Redemption of our lives by our faith in the blood of […]

August 2014

For the Love of God and Your Divine Purpose

Today’s message is by Pastor Ron Nelson of Progressive Faith Ministries, Rancho Cordova, California.  This message brings new revelation to the story of Abraham and Issac (the son of promise), and reveals the truth about God’s divine purpose for Abraham, Issac, and all of us.

Foundations 4 – Enduring through Pressures

Foundations 4 – Enduring Through Pressures While we are building foundations in our Christian Life, we are never exempt from dealing with the pressures and challenges of Life.   In today’s message, Pastor Derry encourages and equips us to stand and overcome through the Treasure on the Inside.  
