
Every place . . . I have given you (Joshua 1:3)

Joshua chapter one is the place to go for those ready to leave wilderness Christianity. Joshua was called to lead the new generation into the Promised Land. In verse two, God says, “Go to the land I am giving you.” He adds in verse three, “Every place your foot treads, I have given you.” Then verse four gives the boundaries to what was theirs. It’s fascinating that they are told what is legally theirs before they experientially possessed it. Legal ownership was no guarantee of experiential ownership. It was called the Promised Land so that they would confidently proceed to possess it – no matter what obstacles they encountered.  It is no different for us today. We have our own promised land. It’s not a geographical area, but it is specific blessings. For instance, every person has the legal ownership of eternal life, but that must be possessed experientially through faith in Christ. Also, God promises us health, favor, spiritual power, protection, abundant provision, wisdom, and much more. Peter refers to the “exceedingly, great and precious promises” which were given to us “to participate in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). We may have to overcome many challenges to experience these promises, but we can. Let’s persevere and keep seeking to possess what is already legally ours.


Declare: I am who the Bible says I am. I have what it says have. I can do what it says I can do. I increasingly possess in my experience the promises of God.
