Bringing Life to Dead Places

Let the weak say “I am strong” (Joel 3:10)

God has called us to make dead things alive. In Ezekiel37, the prophet was asked if the dry bones could live. In the dialogue and events that followed, God showed Ezekiel and His people a powerful principle that is vital for us today. God’s method of bringing life to these very dry bones was through Ezekiel prophesying “life” to the whole situation. Ezekiel had to speak to the bones. He had to prophesy to the wind. As he did, things changed and life came. You and I also must continually speak to dead areas in our lives and circumstances. A main method of God bringing change to a situation is for one of His children to speak His promises over people and circumstances. “And God who gives life to the dead and calls those things that are not although they are” (Romans 4:17).

NOTE: It starts with each of us prophesying life over ourselves. Joel gives us a good place to start in Joel 3:10, “Let the weak say I am strong.” Start now a lifelong habit to “call those things that are not as though they are” in your life.


Declare: Even though I feel weak at times, I am really strong. I am very strong to accomplish God’s purposes in my life and to be a strength to others. I prophesy daily over my circumstances, my future, and over the dry areas of my life.
