ALWC – Daniel Fast

Daniel FastALWC 21 Day Daniel Fast


We invite you to join us for a 21-day Daniel Fast (March 30 – April 19).  We will be concluding our fast on Saturday, April 19th, the day before our Easter Celebration.

We have a threefold approach to our Daniel Fast: fasting, prayer, and the Word of God.  The blending of these three in a focused and sustained manner, will propel us to achieve great things for God.  When we add the scriptures to our prayers, we are praying inspired thoughts from the Holy Spirit and are coming into agreement with the Heart of God.  In other words, when we activate the scriptures, they become actual vehicles for our prayers.  The Word leads us into places of transformation in our lives, families, careers, relationships and spheres of influence.

As we are ministering on the Connected Series, we want to be in agreement about God releasing the same type of anointing that was released on Daniel and his companions.  This anointing empowered them to stand for God and shine as witnesses with:

  • Supernatural courage,
  • Divine wisdom, and
  • Godly creative problem solving ability.

As we release these things we will see God manifest in our lives in a special way, and equip us to impart to the world we are called to reach, the Gospel Truth He teaches us.

Practical details

  • When: It starts on Sunday (March 30) at 12:01am & ends on Saturday (April 19) at 12 noon.
  • Who: We invite all that are seeking to move with God in this season, those seeking to manifest the Kingdom of God in their spheres of influence, or those just seeking draw closer to Jesus in worship.
  • Why: To consecrate ourselves and be open to a deepening of our spiritual maturity and anointing, to receive greater understanding of God’s heart and plan for the church, and for the release of grace into our families, our market places, our cities, our nations, and our world.
  • Small Groups: In small groups settings—read and discuss a chapter of the book of Daniel.
  • What: We encourage all to spend more time in prayer and study of the Word
  • How: Fast food according to the Daniel fast, and fast media and entertainment.

The purpose of biblical fasting is to set aside food and time to draw closer to Jesus and to contend for a breakthrough in His kingdom purposes. Fasting is to be first and foremost about pursuing spiritual goals. So during a fast, we give more time to prayer and Bible study.

It is a good idea to reduce your use of the Internet and social media to your necessary work-related purposes, and to only engage in entertainment that is overtly biblical (Devotionals, bible stories, the life of Jesus, etc.).

What is a Daniel Fast?

There are two primary scriptures related to the Daniel fast.  In Daniel 1:12 we see that he ate only vegetables and drank water. The word that is translated vegetables in the NKJV is translated as pulse in the KJV—it comes from the Hebrew zērōa, which means “that which grows from seed.” In Daniel 10:3 we learn that Daniel ate no meat or tasty foods and drank no wine.   The Daniel Fast includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes (peas or beans), nuts, seeds, tofu, and herbs.

12…ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. (Dan. 1:12, NKJV)

12…ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. (Dan. 1:12, KJV)

3I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth…[for] three whole weeks…
(Dan. 10:3)


Key Facts about a Daniel Fast

  • Daniel Fast: A common approach includes eating in strict moderation vegetables, fruits, whole grains (breads or rice from whole grains), legumes (peas or beans), nuts, seeds, tofu, and herbs.
  • Many agree that Daniel abstained from all meat, sugar, dairy products, wine, and from all pleasant foods. It calls for abstaining from all pleasant foods—not only “meats and sweets.”
  • Biblical fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons. A Daniel fast is more than a diet. Going on a Daniel fast mostly for health reasons is good, but it is a Daniel diet not a Daniel fast.
  • The Daniel fast is a real fast from food for the purpose of enhancing our spiritual life. It is not merely a diet or eating with moderation. It involves significantly reducing the types and amount of food that we normally eat and significantly increasing our time with the Lord.
  • The point of fasting is to embrace a season of heightened consecration and focus on the Lord. Fasting food is voluntary weakness— it weakens us physically and mentally as we position ourselves before the Lord that our heart may be tenderized and become more sensitive and able to receive more from the Lord.
  • If you have any health problems, we encourage you to consult your physician before fasting. Pregnant and nursing mothers should consider adding fish and cheese in a Daniel fast.

Getting Started and Maintaining

  • Begin with a clear goal and be specific.  Do you need direction or healing? Are you facing financial challenges or family issues?  Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.  Pray daily and read the Word.
  • Preparing Spiritually – If there is any unconfessed sin in your life, begin with confessing those to God.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness.  Forgive all that have offended you and ask for forgiveness from those that you may have offended (Matthew 5:23; Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4).  Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires that try to hinder you (Romans 12:1-2).
  • Decide What to Fast – While we are participating in a Daniel Fast, we are not under law but under grace, therefore, the type of fasting that you do is up to you.  You could do a full Daniel Fast as described, or you may choose to modify.  Remember the goal is not just to deny yourself, but to submit ourselves to God and draw closer to Him.
  • Plan Your Daily Time of Devotion – Simply abstaining from food is not a true fast.  The key is to dedicate time for seeking God.  You should dedicate time in the morning and evening for worship and prayer, and during the day pray as often as you can.  To assist you in this process, ALWC has created a 21 Day Devotional and a special version of our monthly Prayer Calendar.
  • What to Expect – When you fast, keep in mind the following:
    • When you fast, your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system.  This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars.
    • You may experience hunger pains as you reduce your amount of food intake.  As you are fasting and adapting to the change, limit your physical activity and exercise, and take time for proper rest.
    • Fasting brings about miraculous results, so expect that you will encounter spiritual resistance.  You are following Jesus’ example when you fast.  Prepare by spending time listening to praise and worship music (not just gospel), pray as often as you can during the day, and get away from the normal distractions as much as possible.  Above all, keep your heart and mind set on seeking God’s face.
    • How to end the Fast – Don’t overeat when the time comes to end the fast.  Begin adding foods gradually and as you do, remember to eat small portions or snacks.
    • Check out the ALWC Website for more information and details about the fast.
