2015 Daniel Fast

We invite you to join us for a 21-day Daniel Fast (March 14 – April 4). We will be concluding our fast at midnight on Saturday, April 4th, the day before our Easter Celebration.

We have a threefold approach to our Daniel Fast: fasting, prayer, and the Word of God. The blending of these three in a focused and sustained manner, will propel us to achieve great things for God. When we add the scriptures to our prayers, we are praying inspired thoughts from the Holy Spirit and are coming into agreement with the Heart of God. In other words, when we activate the scriptures, they become actual vehicles for our prayers. The Word leads us into places of transformation in our lives, families, careers, relationships and spheres of influence.

For this year’s fast, we will continue our Model Church Series, with a focus on the formation of Kingdom Character. We want to be in agreement about God releasing the anointing of the Kingdom on us to fulfill the mission and vision that God has given to us at ALWC.

  • Revelation of the Kingdom of God,
  • The Principles of Kingdom Character
  • Manifestation of Kingdom Character in our lives.

As we release these things we will see God manifest in our lives in a special way, and equip us to impart to the world we are called to reach, the Gospel Truth He teaches us.

Practical details

  • When: It starts on Saturday (March 14) at midnight & ends on Saturday (April 4) at midnight.
  • Who: We invite all that are seeking to move with God in this season, those seeking to manifest the Kingdom of God in their spheres of influence, or those just seeking draw closer to Jesus in worship.
  • Why: To consecrate ourselves and be open to a deepening of our spiritual maturity and anointing, to receive greater understanding of God’s heart and plan for the church, and for the release of grace into our families, our market places, our cities, our nations, and our world.
  • Life Groups: In small groups settings—read and discuss the Kingdom Character Study guide. The fast will last 3 weeks, but the study will last an additional 3 weeks for a total of 6 weeks.  Find a group
  • What: We encourage all to spend more time in prayer and study of the Word
  • How: Fast food according to the Daniel fast, and fast media and entertainment.

The purpose of biblical fasting is to set aside food and time to draw closer to Jesus and to contend for a breakthrough in His kingdom purposes. Fasting is to be first and foremost about pursuing spiritual goals. So during a fast, we give more time to prayer and Bible study.

It is a good idea to reduce your use of the Internet and social media to your necessary work-related purposes, and to only engage in entertainment that is overtly biblical (Devotionals, bible stories, the life of Jesus, etc.).
